

Words & Expressions

Blair: Well, I'm a straight-"a" student, I am.
straight A: 全A生,全优生。这里Blair又强调了一下a的发音。

Serena: Since the Dean handpicks the guests right after their interviews, I'm a shoo-in.
shoo in: a certain winner(稳操胜券)。shoo就是发出的“嘘”声,通常用来引起人或动物的注意力,并且把它们指向某个方向。所以shoo-in就有能控制住的意思,引申含义就是稳操胜券. e.g. Australia are shoo-in's for the cricket world cup.

Serena: Yale is foroverachieving bookworms and preppies-- the Blairs of the world.

bookworm: 书呆子. nerd/geek/dork,这些字都代表一个人因为太专注某件事而看起来不太正常,如书呆子,而并非不聪明的呆。其中geek特指计算机方面特别有研究,特别专注的人。

preppy: 就是很学院派的人,也可以指学院派的打扮,GG里的那些服装(尤其是Blair和Nate),就很preppy

Lily: This one's a little edgier than I thought, but I like it.

edgy: Applied to books, music, or even haircuts which tend to challenge societal norms and reveal the dark side. Cutting edge.

Eleanor送来了两套衣服,其中一条黑色的裙子(就是最后Lily在家里穿,正好被Rufus看到的那套),Lily用edgy来形容这条很sexy的裙子。edgy可以表示“前卫的,尖端的”,相当于cutting edgy, 就是“走在前沿的意思”。

e.g. California is on the cutting edge of trends that spread nationwide. 加利福尼亚正位于席卷全国的时尚的最前沿

Gossip girl: Gossip girl's hardly a war buff, but I did cram for a quiz or two on the American Revolution. The last time New Haven was invaded was in 1779.

buff: One that is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about a subject 狂热爱好者,……迷
cram for: 临时抱佛脚
New Haven: Yale的所在地就是Connecticut 州New Haven县(本集的片名就叫做New Haven Can Wait,取自1978 的电影Heaven Can Wait)。这里的invasion指的就是1779年7月4日在New Haven发生的一场入侵战争(不要把它和独立日混淆了,《独立宣言》是1776年7月4日在费城正式通过的)

Serena: The Dean made me realize that by being so set on Brown, I closed myself off to all other options.
Blair: Well, that's a lovely epiphany.

set: sure
I closed myself off to all other options: 我把自己的后路都堵死了,定型了
epiphany: (神的)显现; (对事物真意的)领悟;用在这里,就是“你终于顿悟到了”。

Gossip girl: Spotted--little Jenny Humphrey off her high horse and in high demand.

high horse: 骑在高马上,引申含义就是目空一切,趾高气扬、自以为很了不起。get off your high horse就是不要摆架子的意思。in demand: 有需要,销路好。整句话的意思是Jenny不但没有架子,而且很受欢迎。

Blair: Do you know how rare a pair is from that era? I had someone at Christie's put them on hold just in case.

put them on hold:保留,留货。Blair注意到院长的秘书很喜欢收集瓷猫,就让克里斯蒂拍卖行的人留了一套很罕见18世纪的瓷猫。

just in case:以防万一,万一有需要的话

Nate: Where have you been?
Chuck: I got tied up.
Nate: Hey, look. You wouldn't want to leave tonight, would you? I mean, I think I am completely done with this place.
Chuck: Did you strike out?
Nate: More like abruptly thrown out. People here know who I am. They know all the stuff about my Dad.

I got tied up: 我有事情脱不开身。

be done with: 我受够了

strike out: 棒球赛里就有strike out这个说法。如果一个击球手三次击球不中,他就strike out,也就是“三振出局”。所以,strike out的意思是,一件事做了几次也不成功。有个跟它意思相反的词组叫做pull it off, 意思是出人意料地做成了一件很困难的事情。

Blair: You know on paper you're not Yale material. Could it be your face on "page six," your name everywhere? Face it, Serena. Yale needs to up their Q Rating, just like all the other schools, and they're gonna use girls like you to do it.

You’re not Yale material: 你不是读Yale的料

Q rating: 又叫做Q Score,用来衡量品牌、公司、名人或者电视剧的受欢迎程度的一种指标。不同于Nielsen(尼尔森)等指标,Q Score不但表示有多少人正在收看或者使用被调查的对象,还能反应人们对它的感受。

Nate: Missed you last night(昨天你没来,没等到你).
Chuck: Did you?
Nate: Or was it your plan all along just to get me out of the way(把我支开)?
Chuck: You should be glad. Those guys were coming for you(冲着你来的). I saved your ass.
Nate: You didn't have to send them after Dan.
Chuck: Two birds, one stone(一石二鸟). Seemed good to me.



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